
Solutions to Those Pesky Pitted Acne Scars

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Solutions to Those Pesky Pitted Acne Scars

Teenagers aren't the only ones who get acne. It's not uncommon for adults to have random breakouts as well. But acne isn't only embarrassing during a breakout — it can also leave unsightly scars.

Pitted acne scars are small holes in your skin where previous acne breakouts have been. They create a crater-like appearance that makes your skin uneven and destroys your self-confidence. But there is hope.

At Flushing Medical Spa in Queens, New York, Dr. QiLi Li and her team offer aesthetic treatments for active acne and pitted scars. Dr. Li is a medical spa specialist who provides facial rejuvenation, Aviclear, and laser treatments to clear your skin and improve your self-esteem.

Understanding pitted acne scars

Acne is a skin condition caused by oils and dead skin cells clogging your pores. The result is acne breakouts, including whiteheads, blackheads, and cystic nodules.

Teenagers are commonly the ones who end up with acne, especially after hitting puberty, but they're not the only ones unfortunate enough to deal with zits. Men and women are both at risk for acne, especially those dealing with hormonal issues.

Genetics also affects your chances of getting acne, but not everyone has lasting effects like pitted scars. These scars look like tiny craters in your face, giving your skin a cobblestone appearance that’s embarrassing to many sufferers.

What causes pitted scars to form after a breakout? Many factors contribute to pitted scars, including the severity of your acne breakout and if you pick at the pimples on your skin. Your body's tendency to scar also affects your chances of developing pitted acne scars.

The inflammatory process in your skin is the main culprit behind pitted acne scars which is why people living with cystic acne breakouts are more likely to have lasting scars on their skin. The inflammation triggers the body's healing process, which triggers collagen and melanin, which may contribute to acne scars.

Can I eliminate pitted scars on my own?

Pitted acne scars aren't something you want to look at for the rest of your life, but can you deal with them on your own? Unfortunately, the answer probably isn't what you want to hear.

Over-the-counter acne products are only sometimes practical for pimples and zits and don't help deep scars. They can do more harm than good.

Even if you take the best care of your skin, if you're prone to scarring, you may be unable to eliminate pitted acne scars without professional treatment. The best way to get smooth skin is to contact our team to discuss your treatment options.

Professional treatments to eliminate scars

When you're ready to eliminate your pitted acne scars, Dr. Li has several treatments that can help. She evaluates your skin to determine the best treatment route for the scarring and pigmentation of your skin. Treatments we offer include:


Dr. Li utilizes the Secret™ PRO system to create tiny microtears in your skin, triggering your body's collagen production. The microneedling system uses radiofrequency energy and fractional CO2 to penetrate several skin layers simultaneously for optimal outcomes.

Chemical peels

Chemical peels are another helpful treatment for pitted acne scars. At our facility, we use the Vitality Institute (VI) peel, a medium peel that penetrates several layers of your skin to improve skin texture and stimulate collagen production for clearer skin.


The HydraFacial is another excellent option for treating your skin and improving the appearance of scars. It's an all-in-one treatment that gently exfoliates your skin while moisturizing and cleansing it for a healthy glow.

We also use the Laser Genesis system to improve your skin’s texture and eliminate signs of aging, including acne scars. It requires very little downtime and is extremely effective for pitted acne. 

We may use one or more of the above treatments to help you achieve a smoother complexion free of pitted acne scars. These scars are challenging to eliminate, and it may take several sessions and treatments to achieve a look you're happy with.

To learn more about our cutting-edge acne treatments, call our office today at 718-539-3366 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Li or use our online booking tool anytime.